ALPHA TRUST-ANDROMEDA S.A. would like to inform the investment community that in application of the decision of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting dated 03.05.2022 as well as of the decision of BoD dated 05.05.2022 and pursuant to article 49 of L.4548/2018, as amended and currently in force, in the meeting dated 06th of December 2023, it has proceeded through EUROBANK EQUITIES, to the purchase of 976 treasury shares, at an average acquisition price of 6.5025 euro per share, of a total value of 6,356.56 euro.
Following the above purchase, the Company owns 166,439 treasury shares, with an average acquisition price of 6.43 euro per share, a percentage of 4.65% of the total shares of the Company.
Kifissia, December 7th, 2023