Stock Info
Annual Reports
The only listed investment fund on the Athens Stock Exchange.
The company invests mainly in Greek securities of listed companies on the Athens Stock Exchange, as well as in fixed income instruments. Its goal is to invest in companies with strong fundamentals, focusing on a medium to long-term investment horizon. The portfolio is managed by ALPHA TRUST.
Stock Info
Share Codes
- ISIN : GRS433003019
Portfolio Intrinsic Value
Intrinsic Value of Participation
Stock Market Price
Total Volume
Comparative Performance
Source: ALPHA TRUST, Athens Stock Exchange • Last updated: 31/12/2024
Notes: (1) The yield is calculated by reinvesting dividends, excluding Own Shares (2) The start of the General Total Return Index of the Athens Exchange is on March 1, 2001. Before this date, the market-weighted dividend yield according to ASE data was used.
Why Andromeda?
Strong Investment Management Team
Strong Investment Management Team
Alpha Trust, the portfolio management company, has a trusted team with a strong track record of success and over 30 years of experience.
Commitment to high dividend yield
Commitment to high dividend yield
The company is committed to distributing a high dividend, depending on prevailing market conditions. The stock's dividend yield far exceeded the market's dividend yield over the past 5 years.
Zero dividend taxation
Zero dividend taxation
The dividend distributed by Alpha Trust Andromeda is tax-free, as investment funds are exempt from dividend taxation.
Attractive investment mandate
Attractive investment mandate
The universe of mid- and small-cap companies, on which the investment fund focuses, is underresearched and may include undervalued companies.
Seeks outperformance in the long run
Seeks outperformance in the long run
Since the adoption of the current investment policy in 2011, the stock has outperformed the
ASE Composite Index.
Intrinsic Value
Number of Shares
Market Capitalization
Stock Price
Intrinsic Value per Share
Premium/ Discount
Financial Information
General Meeting of Shareholders
Shareholders' Obligations
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